Monday, February 2, 2009

I feel your pain, Tina!

Ok Tina! I think I'm in the same boat as you are....sort of! I've been in that FUNK too! Just going through day to day just blah! I hate to admit the stuff I'm about to write because I hate coming off insecure but I think we all have insecure moments and my moments have been over the past couple of weeks. It really started last week when I decided to color my hair....BIG MISTAKE! Ok, for those of you who know me, know that I've always colored my hair, well since middle school. Well the past couple of years I have just had it highligthed professionally to allow it to get back to it's natural color, (well as best as I would let it!) :) So, I didn't think that coloring my hair would be a big deal....wrong! It turned out tangerine orange! I was so embarrassed. I didn't want to go to work the next day, but my loving husband reassured me "it didn't look that bad!" So, I went to work and scheduled a hair appointment to have it "fixed". I told the hair dresser, "I don't care what you do to it, just fix it from being orange." Second BIG MISTAKE! She went LIGHTER! So now I am a bleach blonde with little orange tints! And many of you are going to say it doesn't look bad because you are my friends and family and I appreciate that, but how I know it looks bad is because NO ONE at work has come up to me and said, "Oh, I love your hair!" Like everyone does when you come back to work with a new hair do!
So with all that in mind, I think that has been the icing on the cake of why I'm in the FUNK, as Tina called it. I just haven't been liking my appearance. I have been dieting and exercising and only losing 1 pound or a half pound a week and that's very discouraging. But, I know I do have to be thankful for all the wonderful blessings in my life, and I am very thankful, but I think that I have been a little down lately and I just need to pick myself up. I know Lynn will agree with that!
I did feel good Saturday night when I actually hung out with people I don't typically hang out with. It was good to be in a different setting than the usual...
So, when will all this funk go away, Tina? Please don't tell me when my hair grows out! Uggghh!


Tina K Rogers said...

i completely understand. i've been feeling pretty ugly these days myself. i just feel like this weather is no fun and just makes you not want to leave your house which i've just about made of myself..... a hermit. i know w/ dieting i've been stuck at this weight and i know getting outside and walking would help, but dang it's cold out there! i dont have an answer for when it gets better, but i do hope it's not too far. i'm tired of feeling the way i do... i hope you start feeling better, but believe me... i really do understand how you feel!

Lynn Castleberry said...

Yes, Lisa, I am your friend. Your best friend in fact and if friends can't be honest with you who can, right? Well, I am going to tell you like it is! Your hair looks.... FINE! I am not just saying that to make you feel better!! I really, truly, don't think it looks as bad as you do. Yes, it did look better before you colored (or maybe I should say "more natural" but it isn't as bad as you think.) But I do know that when you aren't happy with your appearance, your whole demeanor and outlook changes. Things will get better and all that hard work will start to pay off soon! Keep the Faith! Love ya, girl!

Lynn Castleberry said...

I didn't mean you personally when I said your outlook changes; I meant people in general. Just wanted to clear that up. Now de-funk yourself! Ha!!

Riding a pony

"Mom, I've got to potty!"

Lacey @ Halloween 2008

Lacey @ Halloween 2008
Little Barbie Fairy

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party
clowning around