Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have no idea what to title this! :)

I have to first apologize because I have not been updating my blog like I have in the past. I guess the newness of it all is starting to wear off. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy posting pictures and writing tidbits on here but I just haven't found the time to "play"! I promise I will post some more pictures soon. I have pictures of Lacey getting her soccer trophy, her completed and organized room, and pictures of her for crazy hair day. All coming soon!
Ok, so now that you know I don't have any pictures to post let me tell you a few of Lacey's cute and funny sayings...

The other day I was getting her out of the car and I had her unbuckled but she was taking her dear sweet time. I had about 5 bags of groceries in my hands, the mail, the keys, etc. Well I told her "Lacey, hurry up and get out, my hands are full with the groceries!" She looked at me and said, "Momma, that's not my fault!" What do I say to that? Stop talking back or true? Especially to a 4 year old! How witty!

Ok, another one...She won an ipod shuffle at school for being the top seller in her school. Well she came home that day and said, "Mommy, I won a shovel at school today!" I said, "You did! What do you do with it?" She said, "Mommy, you know you dig with a shovel!" Too cute! Oh, and by the way, we have this apple ipod shuffle thing and don't have a clue what to do with it. I looked it up at and they are selling for $75 so it seems like a good prize but I am clueless about this type of technology! Ok, so I am exaggerating just a little...I do know what to do with it but does it take a long time to download 500 songs...and what 500 songs am I going to put on there for a 4 year old? Oh, I know, her favorite song...Apple bottom jeans and the boots with the fur, and the whole club was looking at her!! HA!
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day and I love you all!!! Thanks for reading and taking a look into my crazy world as a mother!

1 comment:

Debra Deal said...

Still waiting for pictures of her room, soccer and fair pictures. Halloween pictures. Ok Momma get back in the swing of the pictures.
Atlanta pictures to.

Riding a pony

"Mom, I've got to potty!"

Lacey @ Halloween 2008

Lacey @ Halloween 2008
Little Barbie Fairy

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party
clowning around