Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I've been tagged by Lynn to talk about my hubby!

What is his name? Zane Dale Johnson

Who eats more? he does

Who said, "I love you" first? He did at Lynn and Jason's apartment.

Who is taller? He is.

Who is more sensitive? hands-down, ME!

Who does the laundry? We both do. He puts them in the washing machine and dryer and I fold them….when I get around to it!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does. Don’t know why because at our old home I did. His side of the bathroom is closer to his side of the bed and same for my side.

Who pays the bills? He does! Thank goodness. I was never good at doing that.

Who cooks more? I do, but I did teach him how to make scrambled eggs and waffles this weekend!

Who is more stubborn? we both are equally stubborn!Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I think we both do. Maybe he would first. I typically like to be right!

Who has more siblings? I do. One brother, one step brother, and 2 step sisters. He has 2 brothers.

Who wears the pants in the relationship? He does.

What do you like to do together? Sit by the fire, eat dinner, and play with Lacey.

Who eats more sweets? ME! But we both love ordering dessert when we go out to eat.

Guilty Pleasures? Zane-hanging out with his friends….late into the night, or should I say early morning. Me….shopping and chocolate!

How did you meet? At Sabrina’s party. Lynn and I went late one evening and Jason introduced us.

Who asked whom out first? That would be him.

Who kissed who first? We did it together on a canoe trip.

Who proposed? He did at my grandfather’s house and I didn’t think that he was for real. I thought the ring was someone else’s not for me.

His best features and qualities? He is very caring and wants only the best for his little girl. He is an excellent daddy and takes charge whenever he needs too. He is always willing to help out.

Tag you're it. Who do you tag? MaryLynne Healey, Grandma Healey, and Jessica Carr.

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