Monday, November 23, 2009

November 21, 2009

My plan for this past weekend was to invite one of Lacey's friends from school to come over to our house and play while I cooked and cleaned. I was hoping that a friend would keep her occupied and I could get something done. Well I knew my plan would either work or backfire on me! It just so happened that it worked! Lacey and Rachel played WONDERFUL together! They played outside on the swing set, they drove the car, they painted, played hide and go seek and doctor with the baby dolls all while I cooked dressing, cookies and peanutbutter balls in 3 hours!! (Not joking...I did it all, while they were playing! It was awesome!)

Lacey and Rachel having a ball in the Mustang! They ran into every tree, bush and swing they could find. They had a great time together.
Rachel and Lacey painting.Cute picture of Rachel.Lacey with Santa. Santa, please bring her a BABY ALIVE doll. She wants it because she wants to practice changing diapers! Haha! Keep practicing Lacey!!


Lynn Castleberry said...

I am glad you were able to get all that done while they played. That definitely wouldn't have happened with Madison and Lacey. :) Maybe it has something to do with Rachel being older, who knows!? Hope you enjoyed your trip to the mountains. It has been a very productive and restful week for me. Hate to see it end!

Debra Deal said...

Lacey is so sweet. I am glad she let you get your work done. I hope you had a great time in the mountains. Can't wait to see new pictures.

Riding a pony

"Mom, I've got to potty!"

Lacey @ Halloween 2008

Lacey @ Halloween 2008
Little Barbie Fairy

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party
clowning around