A Clean House
Ok, so I am a firm believer in this cartoon...well I shouldn't call it a cartoon because it's not funny to me but the truth! :) I cleaned my house last week before my mother in law came and after only 4 evenings of sleeping at our house since we work during the day, it is completely destroyed! For some reason we just can't seem to clean up after ourselves. And I'm not just talking about Zane or Lacey, but myself included! I am bad about taking off my pajamas and leaving them lay. I'm bad about taking clothes off the hanger and not liking the way they look and dropping them in a pile! I have several piles of clean clothes in our house! I'm trying to teach Lacey to clean up after herself but Man, I've got to start practicing what I preach and clean up after myself! Zane if you're reading this....you too! No, seriously, I think after working all day the last thing I want to come home and do is work some more. I always put things off till the weekend and then come time for the weekend I have a mess....as I do this weekend! The crazy thing is, is that it never takes me long to clean it up, maybe an hour or so! Maybe next year that will be my New Year's Resolution...see I'm putting it off until next year. No, I'll work on it. But I do love this "cartoon" and thought it was very appropriate to my life!
We are pretty bad about that around here, too. Your house is lived in not destroyed! There is a difference. :) I know what you are saying though. The last thing I want to do after cooking supper, bathing Madison, and maybe putting on a load of clothes is pick up all the "stuff" around the house! It is a never ending cycle!! I would rather clean on Friday night because we are normally home than dread waking up to it on Sat. morning. Jason disagrees!
Lynn, you don't know what a mess is.... he he he Lisa i'm feeling your pain!!!!!!!!!! We are all terrible and I'm not instilling any good values into ivy as being a house cleaner either... well, until the beach trip and i exploded on her about not picking up her crap. i grabbed a garbage bag and threw it all in there. ofcourse, i gave it back the next morning, but it helped her to put the dang lids on the markers!!! I'm not worried about it. When i'm a house wife, then maybe it will be clean, but until then i'm not wasting too much time. as long as i can get from one end to the other w/ out a ladder, i feel i'm doing good.. ha ha
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