I don't know what made me think to do this but I knew I wanted to paint something so I went to Walmart and saw this wood plaque. I then picked out some pink and green paint since those seem to be the trendy colors. Then, it just so happened that they had this plaid ribbon to match. So, I went home and got to painting. I actually free handed this so don't get out a ruler and measure but I think it turned out pretty cute. I can't wait to clip on all of Lacey's bows. Oh, and Lacey was "glittering" my table with glitter glue! (she had a coloring book but most of the glitter ended up on the table!) So, I used her pearly glitter to go over her name and I think it added a cute sparkle! The picture isn't that great because it's actually from my phone. But thought I would post it just for the heck of it!

i love it
O.K. Don't forget to make one for me, too. You are too crafty! Ha!
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