This is where we stayed! Yes, it says a campground but it had campers, tents, houses, converted campers into houses, you name it! And it was HUGE! But it was super nice and we loved every minute of our time there! Zane's cousin rented a house for a week with all the amenities and graciously invited us up to stay! She had a come as you please policy so we were able to do a water park, play putt putt golf (twice), play in the arcade, ride in the golf cart parade every night, go to Medieval Times, play on the beach, play in the "kitty
kat pool" as Lacey calls it, and all as we please!

Ours is the second one with the flag. I hate I didn't get a good picture of it!

Golf carts everywhere!

Golf cart parade every night! Reminded me of the strip at Panama City except everyone rode golf carts. (reminder to self: we are not letting Lacey go to the beach by herself until she's married!) The boys were hollering at the girls and the girls were wearing next to nothing and I just thought to myself, "God help us!"

The Kitty Kat pool at the campground!

The beach! Boy was it crowded! This actually doesn't show all the people! I'll post others later!

Lacey at the beach. Notice the sand and water color. Much different than Florida!

Sunrise over the Atlantic!

Sunrise again!
Ok, so I thought this was funny and a "heaven on Earth"! Who would have ever thought of an M&M vending machine? This is a chocolate lovers dream!

Every day at 3pm they offered free fire truck rides with the lights and sirens! Lacey loved it! That's her,
Jadee, Deborah, and Andrew on the top!

Zane teaching Lacey how to play putt putt golf!

Not quite following daddy's advice!