Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Do you ever want to tell people to stop whining?.......Oh, am I whining? Have I been whiny in the past few months? Ooops! Maybe shouldn't post about the subject of whining and whiny people!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Out of the FUNK!

Ok, contrary to popular belief I was not in an "altered state of mind" last night. I was just in a GREAT mood. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea why. I did exercise and work my butt off (oh, how I wish! but my butt's still just as big!), so I'm not sure if that gave me a burst of energy or what! But, I was happy and was in a mood where I just didn't care and was going to have fun! I took Lacey outside and pushed her on the swing, cleaned my house, had a DELICIOUS apple martini (Yummy!) and just hung out texting my best friends! Ok, so I got a little carried away with it but it was fun! I even texted (is that a word?) the wrong person....ooops! So maybe my mind was altered just a little bit by the martini....nah or maybe I'm out of the funk now. I just wanted to have a good time. Live a little!
But, sorry girls I won't be texting tonight because I have 5th grade parent night! Maybe this weekend!
Right now, I am sitting behind my desk with my feet kicked up and enjoying the afternoon (writing article summaries, I feel like I'm back in school, ugghh!) Although I have work to do I have a sense of accomplishment because I'm knocking stuff off of my to-do list!
Tomorrow Lacey and I are off to Birmingham to the doctor. That sucks but hopefully this will be the last trip! Well I guess I'll end my post here by saying.....Thank God I'm out of the FUNK! (I know Lynn is happy too!)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Ok, so I love being on Facebook. I like looking at everyone's pictures and their posts. I also LOVE coming in contact with people I have lost touch with. Since I moved to Alabama I lost touch with friends I've had since 3rd grade. Friends that I saw everyday and took for granted that I'd see them again. I am able to see that they are doing ok now. People who I thought didn't even know me have asked to be on my facebook page and I'm in awe. Maybe it's that they want to have a lot of friends listed on their page or maybe they are like me and just want to see how everyone is doing. But, here's the flip side of my story. I can't get on facebook but like once a week. Of course at school it is blocked from our internet service except on the wireless connection. The wireless connection is soooo shady. It works for about 5 minutes a day and that's it. If you're lucky you will catch it working and can get on but it hasn't worked since Friday. And being the penny pinchers we are, we are too cheap to pay for internet service at the house when we are on the internet continuously throughout the day at work. So to all my facebook friends and those in waiting for me to confirm you as a friend, hold tight. As soon as I find a way to connect I will be on! (Also, I still haven't quite figured everything out on there. Connie is throwing me Mardi Gras beads and I don't know what to do???)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Long Weekend!

Ok, so my husband asked if I was going to write about Valentine's Day on here....of course I am! It was a very nice relaxing weekend. My husband needs help when it comes to gift buying. I usually have to hint really big for him to get it (so here goes for my birthday on March 7th...honey, I want a new bedroom suit and a camera....not asking for much, ehh? But it's the big 3-0!) Just Kidding, well kind of. Anyway, back to the weekend, he asked me what I wanted for Valentine's Day and I said a day of rest. I want a day that I can watch Lifetime movies, daydream, stay in my pajamas, not cook, etc. So, he did that for me. He took Lacey to town twice and took us out to dinner. So, I got to enjoy 2 Lifetime movies and a day of semi-not cooking (I cooked breakfast). Sunday was relaxing...went to church, had a friend come over for dinner, some more movies, then on Monday, the same....movies and rest! It was very refreshing but it made for a lazy day today at work. My body got used to staying up late (well later than usual) and sleeping in. I did NOT want to get up this morning at 5am. It's amazing how when you are single or without children you take for granted the alone time or you wish to have something to do. I love my husband and my daughter but every once in a while I like to just chill out and not do anything....no cooking, no cleaning, no watching Barbie movies, no nothing but quiet time (a good book or a movie). Of course I would not trade my life for anything different right now but sometimes you just need a few moments to stop and breathe out. Thank you sweetheart for a wonderful weekend.

Monday, February 9, 2009


This is a picture of her writing her name in the sand "so the alligators will know she was there." Her own words. At the park having a picnic yesterday!
Those are our pine trees. Notice the one behind them is taller than pawpaw! They are growing so tall and will soon shield us from the road.

Lacey pointing to the alligator sign!

My daughter is growing up! I am going to the Elementary school tomorrow to meet the pre-k teachers. (I'm so sad!) Oh, one funny things she said this weekend....I said,"Lacey, you are so crazy!" Without missing a beat she replied, "just like my daddy!" She couldn't be more right!These are pictures of her "pole dancing". Yes, pole dancing. I have a canopy bed and she loves to climb up as high as she can go and slide down. She calls it her pole dance(I'd like to think that she is innocent and doesn't know what pole dancing is! I can assure you all that I didn't teach her that!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Here are a few pictures from our painting adventure. This is a painting mishap! Stepped down off the ladder right into the paint tray! Felt great in between the toes! Before...pale sage green, blah!

Half way through!

The finished product! Looks a little dark but it's not really! It's really pretty I think!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Christmas 2008

The girls at Christmas....Serious Silly
These are in addition to my other Christmas pictures I posted. I've been rather slow with the blogging lately. I will try to catch up! I've got to start taking more pictures! I did take pictures of the paint job my mom and I did last weekend. It turned out really well. I might post those later!

Monday, February 2, 2009

I feel your pain, Tina!

Ok Tina! I think I'm in the same boat as you are....sort of! I've been in that FUNK too! Just going through day to day just blah! I hate to admit the stuff I'm about to write because I hate coming off insecure but I think we all have insecure moments and my moments have been over the past couple of weeks. It really started last week when I decided to color my hair....BIG MISTAKE! Ok, for those of you who know me, know that I've always colored my hair, well since middle school. Well the past couple of years I have just had it highligthed professionally to allow it to get back to it's natural color, (well as best as I would let it!) :) So, I didn't think that coloring my hair would be a big deal....wrong! It turned out tangerine orange! I was so embarrassed. I didn't want to go to work the next day, but my loving husband reassured me "it didn't look that bad!" So, I went to work and scheduled a hair appointment to have it "fixed". I told the hair dresser, "I don't care what you do to it, just fix it from being orange." Second BIG MISTAKE! She went LIGHTER! So now I am a bleach blonde with little orange tints! And many of you are going to say it doesn't look bad because you are my friends and family and I appreciate that, but how I know it looks bad is because NO ONE at work has come up to me and said, "Oh, I love your hair!" Like everyone does when you come back to work with a new hair do!
So with all that in mind, I think that has been the icing on the cake of why I'm in the FUNK, as Tina called it. I just haven't been liking my appearance. I have been dieting and exercising and only losing 1 pound or a half pound a week and that's very discouraging. But, I know I do have to be thankful for all the wonderful blessings in my life, and I am very thankful, but I think that I have been a little down lately and I just need to pick myself up. I know Lynn will agree with that!
I did feel good Saturday night when I actually hung out with people I don't typically hang out with. It was good to be in a different setting than the usual...
So, when will all this funk go away, Tina? Please don't tell me when my hair grows out! Uggghh!

Riding a pony

"Mom, I've got to potty!"

Lacey @ Halloween 2008

Lacey @ Halloween 2008
Little Barbie Fairy

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party
clowning around